Sunday, November 13, 2011

Crema de Chile Poblano - Poblano Cream Soup

This cream of poblano soup is perfect for a winter day.  I actually enjoy it year round because the taste is so complex.  When working with peppers remember that everyone’s taste buds are different.  For me, four peppers are just right, but for you it may be too hot.  So add a pepper at a time to the blender and taste after each one.  You never know how hot a pepper is until it is too late.

Poblano Cream Soup
2 Tbsp of olive oil

4 Cups of milk
½ Tbsp flour (add 1 whole tbsp if you like a thicker consistency)

½ Diced onion
½ Cup of corn or one corn on the cob

5 Poblano peppers

Roast the poblanos directly over the gas burner if you have a gas stove.  On an electric grill you can roast them over an iron skillet or comal.  If you do not have an iron skillet you can roast them in an oven at 350 until the skin turns black and blisters.  Place them in a Ziploc bag for 5 minutes so that the poblanos can sweat.  Remove them from the bag, cut in half and remove the stem, seeds and veins.  Leave one poblano and cut in strips for garnish.
In a blender add the remaining poblanos and blend with the milk.

Add the olive oil and add the diced onion.  When the onion turns translucent add the corn until the corn warms through.  If you are using fresh corn from the cob, you will need to cook it for about 7 to 10 minutes stirring frequently until it turns tender.  Add the flour and stir quickly for about a minute until it cooks through.  Remember all you want to do is cook the flour to remove the raw taste.    Add the contents from the blender and stir constantly until it achieves the consistency of cream, not too thick.  Season with salt to taste.  Remember to add little at a time, always taste before you add more.  That is the key to seasoning.
Serve and garnish with the strips of poblano and drizzle crema Mexicana.  This is a delicious creamy soup that I hope you enjoy as much as I do. 

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